Yami wo ukeire futatabi asa kitaru

Author: simph8
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, Non-con, Murder, Violence, Yakuza

Yami wo ukeire futatabi asa kitaru
(Accept the darnkess and the morning will come once again)

Takaki Yuya grabbed the kid by his hair, pulling hard, while he held a sharp knife in the other hand, as he started brushing it down the younger’s back with little to no delicacy, cutting him.
The kid bit his lower lip, drawing blood. He wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction to hear him groan in pain.
Yuya smirked, devilishly; he grabbed the kid’s hips, and started to brutally thrust inside of him.
He looked at that body for a moment. Chinen Yuri, his little sex slave, had his hands tied behind his back and hid his face in the pillow, biting on it with all the strength he had, while Yuya pushed inside of him, unaware of what the younger was feeling.
He grabbed his hips again and made him kneel, pulling his head back to let Yuri feel the cock inside his body better, deeper.
He took the knife again and kept leaving cuts around the well-refined shoulder blades, then he moved lower, leaving a trail of blood at his passing.
He leant down on him, slowly licking his neck and ending up behind his ear, panting in it, his voice made husky by his arousal. He purposefully ignored the disgust on the younger’s face.
After all, he didn’t care much about it. He only cared to get his release.
He half-closed his eyes, ramming even harder inside of him, unable to think about anything else.
His moans grew louder, hoarser, as the kid clenched his eyes with all the strength he had.
Yuri just wished for it to be over soon. Nothing else.
He almost felt better when he felt him coming inside of him. It meant he could’ve been in peace, at least for a while.
He opened his eyes slowly, while Yuya pulled out of him, pushing him away ungracefully. Chinen fell on his back, his arms hurting for the lack of blood and the gag he had around his mouth almost chocking him.
He watched the yakuza get up after a few moments and head naked toward the fridge, taking a beer.
Chinen looked at his back as he walked; he looked at the tattoo on that back. A huge dragon, finely tattooed and coloured.
It originated from his lower back, the tail coiling on itself, then it opened on the wide of his shoulder blades, covering every inch of them. The open mouth blew fire, which ended on his shoulder.
He hated that tattoo. It was the first thing he had seen of Yuya, and he remembered he had gotten scared of it. He hated all about that man, even though he was the reason why Yuri was still alive.
He wanted to tear all the skin off of his body.
Yuya turned toward him, smirking.
“You look way bettered covered in blood and cum, Yuri.” he mocked him, opening the can and sipping from it. “You should stay like that forever.”
He sat on a chair and kept watching him. He felt aroused again, but he didn’t have time to fuck him again.
He caught a glimpse of the clock hanging on the kitchen’s wall, ignoring the whines from the kid still tied to the bed.
Then he let the can go on the table and got close to him again.
He climbed on top of him, straddling his stomach and starting to stroke himself. He closed his eyes, his hand moving fast already over his cock, getting to the point of being fully hard again.
He panted out loud as he kept moving his hand, up and down, then he let go and looked at the kid. He pulled the blindfold up, without caring of the awkward way it now hung from his face. He grabbed his hair, thrusting his cock inside his mouth, straight down his throat, ramming it fast, ignoring the muffled and chocked sounds the younger was making while trying to breathe.
Then, since he didn’t actually want to choke him, he let go of him, taking the piece of fabric off completely and coming all over his face.
He collapsed next to him, panting. It felt good.
Sex was truly sating. Especially with Yuri. He was good in bed, even though very little cooperative.
When he had chosen him, almost two years before, he had really had good eye.
He got dressed in a few minutes, then he rummaged through his pockets, turning the kid on his stomach and freeing his wrists.
Yuri groaned in relief, letting go against the mattress. Then Yuya leant toward him.
“When I’ll be back, try and be more collaborative tan this. You don’t really want to get hurt, do you?” he whispered in his ear.
He didn’t wait for an answer that, he knew it, wasn’t going to come. Chuckling, he just left.

Chinen stayed still on the bed for a while. He was panting, trying to recover from those hellish hours, just like every day.
Yuya was going to be out until late, he knew that. Maybe even after dinner, and that left him enough time to do what he wanted.
He got up, being careful to the open wounds, and got dressed. He was hungry.
When Yuya had bought him he had had no idea of what he was going to go through but, basically, it could’ve been worse. Yuya had no respect for him he didn’t care whether he suffered or not, or whatever.
But Yuri knew it was the best he could’ve hoped for. He had a bed, clothes, money.
The others like him, those who had been sold to pay for debts, had been used for terrible purposes. Many of those he had met during those days, before Yuya got into that warehouse, were dead. Who hadn’t been able to put up with real underage prostitution, who had died slaughtered in some hole after having his organs removed.
And, as much as he hated to feel Yuya’s body against his own, he didn’t want to die. Not yet.
He got on the street. The neighbourhood was completely managed by the yakuza and, even if he had wanted to, it would’ve been hard to leave without being seen.
He was protected by Takaki Yuya, one step lower than the boss who controlled all of the activities, and it looked like there was a death sentence hanging on him. Yet Yuya didn’t want to kill him.
Only do him. Again and again. And for Chinen, he could do as he pleased with his body.
What mattered was that he allowed him, sooner or later, to get his revenge. Nothing more.
After all, living in that neighbourhood could’ve been better than expected.
He walked slowly inside a ramen shop. The master, an old man who didn’t seem to be afraid of none of the sketchy characters walking inside his restaurant, nodded in his direction.
Chinen sat at the counter. He ordered a beef ramen and a beer.
“Aren't you a tad too young for beer?” he asked, just like every other day.
The younger smiled.
“I'm sixteen. I know how to use a gun and I live with Takaki Yuya. I can drink a beer in peace, I'm sure.” he muttered, nervous.
The man sighed, and a short while later put his order down in front of him.
Chinen ate greedily. He was starving; he hadn’t been eating since the previous morning, thanks to Yuya.
He took a sip of his beer, trying to empty his mind. He relaxed, as much as he could.
And then he paid, got up and went for a walk.


In the car, Yuya snorted. He was driving, and all he wanted was to go back home.
To sleep, even though the idea of having Chinen blow him one more time might’ve been interesting enough.
His back was falling to pieces. He hated being alone in the car. He sat up straight and closed his eyes for a moment.

Yuya had gone to see that bunch of kids who had been kidnapped, sold or just orphans; the family kept them all inside that warehouse.
He had looked at all of them, then he had lingered on Chinen. The kid had no fear in his eyes, nor any apparent sign of malnourishment.
He looked healthy enough for being there.
“What’s your name?” he asked, grabbing his chin and making him raise his head.
“Chinen Yuri.” was his harsh answer.
Yuya had smiled and then had slapped him, making him fall on the ground. The younger had gotten up again, his eyes watery and his nose and lip bleeding.
“I don’t like arrogant brats. Do you have any idea who’s standing in front of you?”
“No. And even if I did, should I be afraid?” Chinen had replied, looking straight into his eyes.
Yuya’s laughter had gotten more bitter. He had grabbed his hair, making him stand, then he had thrown him to two of his henchmen.
“Get him in the car. He’s coming home with me. In the meantime, you can do as you please with him. Just let him be alive when I come back.”
The two men had grabbed him and Yuya had clicked his tongue, annoyed by the kid’s screams.
He was fourteen. Enough to know there could be worse in life than being sold by his own parents to extinguish a debt with the yakuza.
That day, Chinen had become his property.

Chinen snorted, lazily lying on the couch, watching TV. It was way past two, and Yuya was nowhere in sight.
He was tired, and he wanted to sleep.
He was going to deal with the yakuza once he would’ve gotten back. He threw himself on the bed, just a pair of boxers on.
Yuya was going to be in a bad mood already, and he had no intention to make that worse.
If that was what he wanted, he was going to give it to him.

When he woke up, he was still alone in bed. He looked around, and there was no sign of Yuya’s passage.
Without worrying too much about the yakuza’s whereabouts – he was sure he could very well defend himself – Chinen got dressed again.
It was hot, and he didn’t want to stay home; had Yuya gotten back before him, he would’ve called. Or he would’ve gone looking for him, grabbing him and dragging him back home.
It had happened before. And he knew how it was going to go down.
He was about to leave, when the elder walked out the elevator. He smiled to him, devilishly, and pushed him inside again. He took his clothes off, at a speed which bewildered the younger, and threw him on the table, taking him like an animal.
He didn’t care for games, for tying him up or blindfolding him; he just wanted to fuck him, and it was better like this.
It was going to be over sooner.
When Yuya let him go Chinen looked at himself, a disgusted look on his face.
Yuya, now lying in bed, the dragon’s mouth looking alive on his shoulder, hadn’t lost his grin.
“Does it disgust you so much? Why don’t you kill yourself then?”
“I'm not giving up, know that.” Chinen replied, looking at him as he headed toward the bathroom.
“Ah, right. Your silly revenge.” Yuya muttered, stretching his back, uninterested. “You’ve never killed someone in cold blood. You’re just a brat.”
Chinen kept quiet.
He was right. Damn so. He was just a brat, letting Yuya fuck him like a whore.
He had learnt how to use a gun, how to take it apart and reassemble it. Charge it. Deal with danger.
But he was no killer.
He clicked his tongue, irritated, then he got dressed again. He was tired of waiting.

Chinen ran fast down the alleys. He had managed to take the bus, then the train.
He had bowed his head, careful not to stand out, but the wounds on his face, the bruises and the worn out clothes didn’t help.
He just needed to resist a little more. Just a little more and then he wasn’t going to have to deal with that yakuza anymore, those hands, that tongue, that body thrusting inside his own, at every hour of day or night, raping him mercilessly.
Just a little more.
And then everything would’ve gotten back to normal.
His parents were going to do something to protect him this time, he was sure of it.
He ran from the train as if he could still feel the animal-like breath of Yuya on his neck, haunting him.
He took a deep breath.
Just a little more.

When he arrived to the address, gotten through a few of the shady people Yuya surrounded himself with, Chinen felt his eyes tearing up.
He got there a little after dinner time. He glimpsed at his watch.
Nine in the evening. He was hungry, but he was going to eat soon. With his parents.
He stood behind a car looking at the small house, looking like every other else on the street. Snow fell thick on him and he was shivering, but he didn’t care. Just a little more, and he would’ve gotten his life back.
He was about to move, when he saw the door open. His mother, looking good as usual, was fixing her coat and her scarf. His father, behind her, was finishing tying up his shoes.
It looked a little like the house they had before. A lot smaller, but he still liked it.
He wondered where they had found the money for it. He felt his breath heavy, his eyes slowly filling with horror as he made conjectures.
He saw them got closer, and the car’s lights flashing.
Chinen gasped and hid behind a close by truck.
“I like winter.” he heard his mother say. “Snow’s really good, don’t you think so darling?” she asked to her husband, smiling.
“Yes. And it’s even better now. Without debts... it’s much easier, isn't it?”
Chinen felt as if they had taken his breath away, tears rolling down his face.
“It’s been the perfect solution.” she looked around, lowering her voice. “Getting rid of Yuri to pay back the yakuza.”
Their words were muffled by the roar of the car, which took off a few moments later; Yuri felt exhausted, as he fell on the ground, on the soft snow.
He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even cry anymore.
He felt useless and abandoned.
When he got back up and was back on the sidewalk, he saw Yuya leaning against the truck, his hands in his pockets.
He gasped; he felt horror take the place of everything else he had been feeling.
The man barely looked at him. Then he grabbed his collar and dragged him to his car, pushing him on the backseat. Chinen didn’t dare breathing. Yuya always got annoyed at his sobs.
The man sat on the driver’s seat, rolling down the window and lighting up a cigarette, clicking his tongue times and times again, irritated.
He raised a hand and Yuri curled up, ready to take a blow that never came.
He heard another click of his tongue, then that hand covering his head with the hood of the too big sweatshirt he was wearing, falling over his eyes. The hand lingered for a while on him, then he saw Yuya rest a feet against the wheel, taking a deep hit off the cigarette.
“Let’s pretend for a moment that your bratty sobs don’t bother me. You can cry if you want.” he heard.
Chinen nodded slowly, whispering something that Yuya couldn’t hear, but that he interpreted as a muffled ‘thank you’. The younger pulled his knees up to his chest and pressed his face against them, muffling his sobs.
They stayed there for a very long time.
From then on, understanding Chinen’s thoughts all too well, Yuya had started giving him a few lessons of defence, using as an excuse the fact that he had no intention to buy himself another slave.
Chinen had decided he would’ve become tamer. From then on, he had to focus on his revenge only.

Chinen came back to himself. The moment had arrived. The one he had been waiting for and  that he had desired for over a year, since he had seen his parents, since he had heard him say that they were doing better without him, that they didn’t care at all about him.
He wanted his revenge. Nothing else mattered. Let Yuya hit him, let him tie him to a bed and rape him as much as he pleased.
He needed to do this.
He was back to the same place he had been a year before. It was snowing again. This time he hadn't drawn any attention over himself.
He just looked like a normal teen-age boy going back home. He felt the gun press against his side, hidden in the inside pocket of his jacket.
He had climbed the steps quickly, without looking around, and then he had knocked.
When his mother had come to the door he had pushed her inside, slamming the door behind himself.
He had taken out the gun without saying a word. He had pushed his mother and his father inside their bedroom, still without talking.
They had recognized him, he was sure of it. And that scared them the most, not the gun.
If he was back, that meant they would’ve given up on their wealthy life.
He loaded the gun, slowly. He heard the bullet enter the chamber and stayed still, the gun aimed at his mother. Her first, then his father.
His hand was trembling and his eyes were wet. He had waited a year for this moment, why couldn’t he do it?
He heard steps behind him. He would’ve recognized them even blindfolded. He didn’t turn to look.
“You can always find me, can't you Takaki?” he hissed.
“Well you’re my whore, of course I always find you.” the elder commented as he leant against the wall, his arms crossed.
“Why are you here?”
“If you get out of here covered in blood someone might stop you. And I’ve got already enough trouble with brats who suddenly go out of their minds. Controlling you is easier.” he lit up a cigarette.
Chinen looked at his parents again. He put his finger on the trigger, still shivering.
Yuya snorted, the smoke puffing out of his mouth. He got close to him, his mouth to his ear. Chinen had stopped shivering feeling his breath months ago, but this time he clearly felt something down his spine which he catalogued as fear.
“You want to kill them, don’t you? Why are you hesitating? Want me to remind you why you’ve ended up with me, forced to satisfy my every whim? Look at them. They live in this nice house and you are in pain every day of your life. Don’t you think it’s unfair?” he whispered.
Chinen nodded, slowly, tears streaming down his face.
“Come on, then. Pull that trigger and get this over with. I want to have sex.”
Chinen took a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them back every hesitation had disappeared.
Two shots left the gun in a row. His parents’ corpses slipped on the ground.
Chinen felt empty, all of a sudden. He let the gun fall on the ground and then he knelt. Yuya clicked his tongue and lit up another cigarette, then he picked the gun up.
He uncocked it and put it safely in his belt. He grabbed Yuri’s arm, pulling him up and pushing him until they inconspicuously reached the car.
He started the engine and they took off, in silence.
Chinen raised his eyes. He felt incredibly good. He had had his revenge. He was satisfied.
“You know what, Takaki?” he said, low. “In the end, what’s happened to me is not so unfair.”
“What the hell are you talking about, brat? Want me to hit you?” the man snarled.
“You can do that. You can hit me. You can rape me. You can do whatever you want. But it’s better to be with you, because I know who you are, than with them. Hadn't they sold me two years ago, they were going to do something else to get rid of me, eventually. I was an hindrance for them. I'm not for you. I'm useful for you, am I not?”
“You’re not making any sense.” the elder said, stopping at a red light.
Chinen shrugged.
He didn’t care about what Yuya thought. He didn’t care about what all the others thought.
What happened to his body didn’t matter.
He could’ve gotten much, much worse.


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