A sacrifice of love

Author: simph8
Rating: NC-17 
Warnings: AU, Kidnapping, Rescuing, Consensual Sex
Characters: Takaki Yuya, Chinen Yuri, Yabu Kota, OMCs
Notes: Story is set before 'Sanagi'.

A Sacrifice of Love

Yuya slowly brought a hand to his hip and stared at the blood on his fingers. He stared at the skin getting stained, moment after moment, his shirt dripping blood.
He heard the gunshot and then a piercing pain to his thigh. He brought his already dirty hand to his leg, deeply wishing he could’ve moved his right wrist, broken a few minutes before.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It wasn’t the first time he felt such pain, nor that he had been about to die. He just needed to calm down, make an effort and everything was going to be fine.
For a moment he wished he had listened to Yuri when the younger had told him there were new faces around the neighbourhood, he wished he hadn't ignored him nor told him he was paranoid, that Kabuki-cho was safe. He wished he hadn't been so arrogant as to tell him nothing happened there without him knowing.
He took another deep breath. He needed to get out of this, or way more than his life was going to be lost, and because he wasn’t willing to bend in front of anybody.


Yuri woke up with a weird feeling, that morning. The other side of the bed was untouched, a sign that Yuya hadn't slept there. It wasn’t uncommon for him to spend the night out, for work or because he was getting drunk with his shatei, but he usually warned Yuri not to waste food on his dinner.
Last night instead Yuri had cooked for him and had waited a couple of hours, which he had spent leaving messages on Yuya’s voice mail, without getting any reply. He had tried to call Kota as well, but he didn’t know where his aniki was either. It had looked though like the yakuza was fairly calm, so Yuri had decided to go to bed and get to sleep, waiting for him to return.
He got up and walked around the apartment, finding nothing to put in order because there had been no Yuya to make a mess. He washed himself up quickly and wore a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt; the fridge was empty, and he was sure Yuya was going to be come back starving, and that he was going to take it out on him, hadn't he found something to eat.
He took his bag, checked his phone one last time to see if he had any message, and then he finally got out.
He realized something was off the moment he reached the main street; a lot of yakuza were on the street, speaking out loud surrounding Kota. Yuri got close to them and tried to blend in, no one noticing him yet.
Kota was talking to his underlings, but Yuri couldn’t really hear properly what he was saying because of the noise the men were making.
“Yuya should still be in Kabuki-cho.” he was saying. “They shouldn’t have taken him elsewhere, or we would’ve spotted them on the security cameras. If he were dead we would’ve already gotten communication from the enemy, so we can hope he’s still alive.”
It was then that a couple of shatei noticed Yuri, and dragged them in the middle of the circle.
“Hey, do you happen to know where Yuya is? You didn’t by chance contacted those Akai Chou bastards, did you?” one of them asked, and Yuri saw Kota rush toward them.
“Yuri, come here.” he grabbed his arm and stood in front of him, as to protect him. “It’s impossible for Yuri to betray Yuya. He doesn’t know about our operations nor anything else. He would’ve been useless to them.”
“Is Yuya in troubles?” Yuri whispered.
“Maybe. But don’t worry, we’re going to find him.”
“But... what happened?” he gasped, confused.
“He’s missing. We think Akai Chou’s got him.” he pushed him toward an alley. “Now go do what you have to do, then go back home and don’t come out.”
“But Yuya...”
“He’s going to be fine, trust me. Now go. And don’t get in troubles.”
Yuri obeyed. He shopped, his mind completely blank.
He couldn’t believe that Yuya, usually so arrogant and haughty, might’ve really died because of a war between families.
He had no idea what would’ve happened to Kabuki-chou, had Yuya die.
He went back home dragging his feet. He put the groceries away, wondering when and if Yuya would’ve come back home.
He wondered why he was so terrified at the idea of being left alone. Even though things had become slightly better and he was starting to see a more human side of Yuya, it was far from being an idyll.
Maybe his death would’ve been for the best, but Yuri wasn’t willing to find out.
For the Japanese society, he had died years ago. The moment they had sold him to the yakuza, his parents had staged a pathetic funeral.
For the law, Chinen Yuri was a ghost.
He spent the afternoon doing absolutely nothing. He wallowed around, watched a couple of movies and then surfed through channels. Kota hadn't called, and Yuya was nowhere to be seen.
He opened the window, looking Kabuki-cho from up there. He studied the alleys emptying, people going back to their homes.
He breathed in some fresh air and kept still for a while, listening, suffocated by the silence inside the apartment. He looked around and bit his lip.
He knew Kota had forbidden him to go out, saying it was dangerous, but he just couldn’t be there any longer.
He grabbed his coat and went back to the bedroom, rummaging through Yuya’s nightstand. Under a few papers and other trinkets, he found a gun.
Yuri had learnt to shoot when he was preparing to kill his parents, and he quickly checked it was loaded. He grabbed a few more bullets from the same drawer and stuck them in his pocket; then, put the gun in the other one, he went out.


Right out of the building, Yuri looked around. He didn’t know where to go looking, but he knew a few spots he was sure Yuya’s shatei ignored.
He had found them a couple of months after being bought, when he had tried to run away. To try and lose the shatei following him, Yuri had had to get creative, so that’s where he started.
He held tight onto the gun and started walking, trying not to show any fear.
He needed to be quiet, or he wasn’t going to be much help for Yuya.
He walked around for about half an hour, then he heard a muffled scream.
He felt a shiver down his spine when he recognized Yuya’s voice; he had never heard him scream, not like that.
Yuri didn’t like to think of him as vulnerable, or he would’ve felt the same way and his mask of cynicism would’ve fallen, leaving him at the mercy of the yakuza, which was something Yuri had always tried to avoid.
His steps got lighter as he walked toward the metal door to an apparently abandoned building, afraid that someone was going to hear him. His fingers held the gun tighter, ready to shoot whomever would’ve gotten close. He walked close to the wall, trying to stay in the dark, then he took a peek inside. He held his breath when he saw Yuya on the opposite side of the room, one of his wrists chained to it. He was bleeding, and Yuri wondered how long he had been there like that.
He grabbed his phone to send an e-mail to Kota, informing him about where he was, when he saw a shadow hovering over him. He raised his eyes and saw a man.
“Look who we have here. Are you curious about something, kid?” he hissed, grabbing his collar. “Who are you?” he snarled, pushing him inside the building.
Five more men were there, and Yuri swallowed, staring at Yuya behind them, unconscious.
“I... I live close by.” he lied. “I was going back home, I'm used to take this shortcut.” he said.
It was then that Yuya opened his eyes, widening them when he saw him.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. I’ve lived here long enough to know when to mind my own business. So now I think I should probably go.”
“I don’t think so, kid.” one of them stopped him, putting an arm around his shoulders. “Why don’t you keep us some company? We’ve got some good sake here.”
“Thanks, but I don’t drink.” Yuri hissed, trying to unsuccessfully wiggle out of the man’s hold.
“Come on, don’t play it hard. You know, we’ve been here a while, and it’s been no fun at all...” he paused, allusive, brushing a finger down his cheek.
“So what, were you planning to take it out on a kid?” Yuri snarled, slapping his hand away.
The hit which made him fall on the ground came out of nowhere; all he felt was a piercing pain to his cheekbone, spreading to the rest of his face.
He quickly brought a hand inside his pocket, crawling toward Yuya, but one of the men stood on top of him, grabbing his hair and forcing him to raise his head.
“You shouldn’t really try to be smart with us.”
Yuri smiled ironically, then took the gun out and shot him.
The man held his stomach and backed off, falling on the floor, and the time the yakuza took to realize what had happened was enough for Yuri to stand up and in front of Yuya, aiming the gun at them.
“Stop, or I’ll shoot all of you.” he tried to threaten them, aware of how little frightening he was.
A couple of them chuckled, throwing a few glances at their friend, still on the floor.
“Yuri...” Yuya snarled, as a warning.
“Shut up, Yuya.” the younger hissed.
His hands were trembling; he wasn’t sure he could actually do something useful for Yuya, but he was there and he at least had to try.
He tried to keep his focus, while one of them walked toward him. He bit hard on his lower lip when the man drew his gun.
“So, kid? What are we going to do? Come here, I promise you we’re going to be nice.”
Yuri kept quiet for a moment and then he smiled, slowly lowering his gun, without putting it back in his pocket.
“Mh. What’s your family?” he asked, taking a step toward them.
“Akai Chou.” one of them answered, without tearing his eyes off of him.
“And do you control a district too? Like Kabuki-cho?”
“Of course. And it’s a thousand times better than this rat hole, trust me.”
Yuri licked his lower lip and got even closer.
“Want to come with us? We can pay you good money, if you let us test the merchandise in advance.” one of the men suggested, getting close and brushing a finger down his face again.
“Why not? Kabuki-cho’s not the best, actually. Always the same faces, always the same games...” he held his breath, running a hand down the man’s chest. “I bet you’ve got more imagination, right?” he whispered, tiptoeing and getting close to the man’s mouth.
“Definitely, kid.” the man uttered, bringing an arm around his waist, then throwing him on the floor and mounting on top of him.
He started touching under his sweatshirt, and it was then that Yuri shot. Once, twice, thrice.
Yuri’s hand kept shivering, and he wondered how he had managed to hit all three of them.
But he had just run out of luck, because a fourth man was still standing and aiming a gun to his head, and Yuri knew he wasn’t going to be fast enough to hit him before being killed.
“You stupid, arrogant bitch. You’re going to pay for this, you won’t be so cocky after a couple nights with us.”
“You better kill me now.” Yuri snarled, his voice shivering.
“If you say so, then I’ll...”
And the next thing Yuri heard was a series of gunshots, blood hitting his face, then the man’s body fell on top of him. He groaned in pain, and struggled to get him off.
He raised his head and saw Kota running toward him, helping him to stand up while the shatei freed Yuya. He could still walk, and perhaps his life wasn’t in danger as Yuri had initially thought.
“Are you okay, Yuri?” Kota made sure.
“Y-yes, I...” he couldn’t finish, that Yuya was next to them. “How are you feeling?” he asked him.
But the only reply he got, was a slap.
“Yuya!” Kota yelled, pushing Yuri behind himself. “Are you crazy? It’s only because of him that we found you and...”
“Go home.” Yuya snarled, without tearing his eyes off of Yuri. “And don’t go out until I’ll come back, you little idiot.”
“Fine.” Yuri uttered, his eyes misty and his hand on his face. “I should’ve let them kill you, you damn bastard.” he wiggled out of Kota’s hold and ran away.


It was afternoon when Yuya came back. Yuri had stayed home as requested, hardly moving from the couch.
“I'm home.” the yakuza muttered.
“Welcome back.” Yuri said, without taking his eyes off the TV.
“Isn't there anything for lunch?”
“No. It’s four and I’ve cooked only for me. I’ll whip up something now, if you want to eat.” he said, getting off the couch and heading toward the kitchen.
“Try and cook something without being too irritating. I'm tired, I just want to eat.”
Yuri snorted and opened the fridge. He quickly cooked something for the yakuza, hoping that would make him shut up, then he got back to the couch and waited for him to be done.
He watched him. His leg was hurt, and apparently so were his wrist and his shoulder. But it didn’t look life-threatening.
It stung him that he hadn't gotten any gratitude from him. He had risked his life when he could’ve left him there to rot. He had killed four men for him.
He was still thinking about how much he hated him, when Yuya went sitting next to him on the couch.
“What are you watching?”
“Don’t know. I'm not watching, I turned it on just to avoid the silence.” he replied, harsh.
“Yuri, you shouldn’t have left the apartment.” Yuya told him. “It was dangerous, and if Kota hadn't arrived in time you would’ve been killed. Or assaulted.”
“So what?” Yuri stood up. “Since when do you care about what happens to me? If I had died, it would’ve been my choice. And for what you’ve done to me during these years, for all I’ve had to go through, you should thank me for having warned Kota and saved you!” he yelled.
He was about to leave, when Yuya grabbed his wrist and pulled him on top of himself. Yuri found himself with his face a few inches away from the elder’s.
“I was worried.” Yuya murmured, close to his lips.
“You shouldn’t have. I knew what I was doing.” Yuri whispered, trying to keep his balance.
“And were you worried?” the yakuza asked, holding his waist firmly with his good arm.
“Of course not.” the younger lied, his voice unsteady. “You’re a grown man, you’ve chosen this life and you’re well trained.” he kept saying, while Yuya’s hand slipped under his shirt. “Should have I worried?”
“I'm alive, right?” the elder said, pulling his shirt up, caressing his skin and bringing his face close.
“So it would seem.” the kid murmured.
“Yuri... kiss me.” Yuya asked, his voice husky.
Yuri was quick; he moved to straddle him and leant down, clashing their lips together and engaging a fight with Yuya’s tongue, as if one of them was supposed to win something.
Yuya’s hands tightened on his hips and Yuri moaned in his mouth, moving on top of him as he tried to ignore his brain telling him it was wrong, that he should’ve left. He decided to let go instead, and to trust Yuya for once.
He kept kissing him, bringing his hands under his shirt; the yakuza’s skin was warm, and Yuri moved his mouth down to his neck, kissing and biting it, feeling incredibly pleased by Yuya’s groans and wishing to hear more of them.
The yakuza’s hand settled through his hair, pulling his head back and attacking his throat, and Yuri felt incredibly aroused right now. He pressed his groin against Yuya and heard him moan again; he took off his shirt and then helped the elder out of his pants.
He brought his hand around his cock, stroking it slowly as he slipped down on the floor, leaning down to lick at the tip and down, following the path his veins created. When he wrapped his mouth around him he relished the hoarse moan the elder let out and started moving his head right away, seconding Yuya’s thrusts inside his mouth.
Yuri knew the signs, and when he realized the elder was about to come he pulled back. He took off the last of his clothes and went back on top of him, unceremoniously grabbing his cock and pressing it against his entrance. He propped himself up on Yuya’s shoulder and lowered himself on him, until he felt him wholly inside himself.
Yuya moaned continuously, and Yuri could feel how turned on he was by the way he held tight on his hip, pressing him even closer.
He got surprised by the complete lack of violence, and then by Yuya’s fingers around his cock, stroking it fast until Yuri couldn’t take it anymore and came, throwing his head back.
The yakuza felt him tighten around him and lasted only a couple more thrusts before coming as well, spilling inside of him, and only then Yuri fell against him, panting.
They kept quiet for a long while, until Yuri recovered and got up, picking his clothes off the floor and wearing them again, without looking the elder in the eyes.
“I... you should rest, Yuya. I'm going to bed, you should too.”
“Well... yes. You’re right.”
Yuya wasn’t looking at him either, which hurt the younger a little, but he decided to let it go. He closed the bedroom’s door behind him, only wishing to fall asleep as soon as possible. He tried to close his eyes but he stayed awake, though he pretended to be sleeping when, a while later, Yuya joined him. 
He heard him sigh and curse, most likely the pain getting to him, as he laid down next to him.
Yuri thought he had fallen asleep already, when the yakuza got close to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer.
“What are you doing, Yuya?” he whispered.
“Wanted to sleep like this.”
“Mh.” Yuri bit his lip. “And why did we have sex like that?”
“I thought it was a nice way to thank you. You’re right, you could’ve easily left me there to die. You should’ve.”
“Is that all? Is that the only reason?” Yuri murmured, swallowing.
He knew there were things Yuya was never going to feel, not the way he felt them at least, but until now he had sought refuge behind his boundaries, telling himself that one day things were going to change, that Yuya was going to change.
“I wanted to see if it could be different.”
“Different from what?”
“From the animal I am, Yuri.” Yuya murmured.
“You could.”
Yuya kept quiet, pressing his forehead against his nape and taking a few deep breaths.
“I don’t know that I can, Yu.”
Yuri shrugged, pressing back against him.
“That’s alright. I'm just glad you tried.”
“Well, yeah. I had never really thought about it.” the elder lied.
Yuri chuckled, distractingly taking one of the elder’s hands between his own.
“Your hands are big and warm. They’re softer than you’d think.”
“Stop saying bullshit.” Yuya hissed.
“But it’s true.” Yuri smiled. “I like them, sometimes.”
They kept quiet for a while, then Yuya sighed.
“We should sleep now. It’s been a very long couple of days, you should be tired.”
“A little.” the younger admitted. “But I don’t regret it, you know? I saved you because I wanted to.”
“I know.” Yuya whispered. “Thanks.”
“Goodnight, Yuya.”
“Night, Yuri.”
The younger closed his eyes, finally feeling at ease.
He was still scared of being hurt again, and not only on a physical level, but at the same time he felt some sort of warmth spreading from the inside, making him feel at peace.
When he heard Yuya breathing in his ear he knew it could be fine, that he just had to keep fighting.
He fell asleep, without even noticing, with a smile on his face.


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